Marvel: Avengers Alliance 2 Wikia

Time For Research!

Research Materials[]


Name Description Rarity Location (Chances) Usage
Aspect of Bravery
Aspect of Bravery
Aspected gem aligned with all mindsets. Rare High: Scouting Mission (Lvl 10) Level 10 Hero Research.
Aspect of Cooperation
Aspect of Cooperation
Aspected gem aligned with those with a cooperative mindset. Uncommon High: Tactician Scouting Mission
Low: M2.6, M3.5
Level 10, 20 and 30 Hero Research
Aspect of Denial
Aspect of Denial
Aspected gem aligned with those with a denying mindset. Uncommon High: Infiltrator Scout Mission
Low: M2.3
Level 10, 20 and 30 Hero Research
Aspect of Destruction
Aspect of Destruction
Aspected gem aligned with those with a destructive mindset. Uncommon High: Blaster Scout Mission
Low: M2.4
Level 10, 20 and 30 Hero Research
Aspect of Determination
Aspect of Determination
Aspected gem aligned with those with a determined mindset. Uncommon High: Scrapper Scout Mission
Low: M3.2, M3.3, M3.4
Level 10, 20 and 30 Hero Research
Aspect of Survival
Aspect of Survival
Aspected gem aligned with those with a survival mindset. Uncommon High: Bruiser Scout Mission
Low: M2.2, M3.1
Level 10, 20 and 30 Hero Research


Name Description Rarity Location (Chances) Usage
Hero's Bronze Solitaire
U-10 Solitaire
A single, powerful gem usefull to all classes. Epic Scouting Mission (Lvl 10) Level 10 Hero Research.
Tactician's Silver Solitaire
TA-20 Solitaire
A single, powerful gem attuned to Tacticians. Tactician Scouting Mission (Lvl 20) Level 20 and 30 Hero Research.
Infiltrator's Silver Solitaire
IN-20 Solitaire
A single, powerful gem attuned to Infiltrators. Infiltrator Scouting Mission (Lvl 20) Level 20 and 30 Hero Research.
Blaster's Silver Solitaire
BL-20 Solitaire
A single, powerful gem attuned to Blasters. Blaster Scouting Mission (Lvl 20) Level 20 and 30 Hero Research.
Scrapper's Silver Solitaire
SC-20 Solitaire
A single, powerful gem attuned to Scrappers. Scrapper Scouting Mission (Lvl 20) Level 20 and 30 Hero Research.
Bruiser's Silver Solitaire
BR-20 Solitaire
A single, powerful gem attuned to Bruisers. Bruiser Scouting Mission (Lvl 20) Level 20 and 30 Hero Research.
Tactician's Gold Solitaire
TA-30 Solitaire
A single, powerful gem attuned to Tacticians. Tactician Scouting Mission (Lvl 30) Level 30 Hero Research.
Infiltrator's Gold Solitaire
IN-30 Solitaire
A single, powerful gem attuned to Infiltrators. Infiltrator Scouting Mission (Lvl 30) Level 30 Hero Research.
Blaster's Gold Solitaire
BL-30 Solitaire
A single, powerful gem attuned to Blasters. Blaster Scouting Mission (Lvl 30) Level 30 Hero Research.
Scrapper's Gold Solitaire
SC-30 Solitaire
A single, powerful gem attuned to Scrappers. Scrapper Scouting Mission (Lvl 30) Level 30 Hero Research.
Bruiser's Gold Solitaire
BR-30 Solitaire
A single, powerful gem attuned to Bruisers. Bruiser Scouting Mission (Lvl 30) 30 Level Hero Research.

Lvl 10 Hero Research Material[]

Name Description Rarity Location (Chances) Usage
Plutonium Cell
Plutonium Cell
A radioactive power cell in a convinient pocket-sized form factor. Common High: Chapter 1 Level 10 Hero Research
Nordic Rune
Nordic Rune
An ancient rune writ by gods to unlock man's potential. Common High: Chapter 1 Level 10 Hero Research
Unrefined Serum
Unrefined Serum
A hurried mix of ribonucleotides, with some acai berry just in case. Common High: Chapter 1 Level 10 Hero Research
Optimized CPU
Optimized CPU
Faster processing for tech components. Don't forget the heat sinks. Common High: Chapter 1 Level 10 Hero Research
Titanium Sheeting
Titanium Sheeting
Strong and lightweight, this alloy is ideal for heroic applications. Common High: Chapter 1 Level 10 Hero Research
Alien Ore
Alien Ore
Mined from the head of a dead Celestial, it is surprisingly powerful. Common High: Chapter 1 Level 10 Hero Research

Lvl 20 Hero Research Material[]

Name Description Rarity Location (Chances) Usage
Gamma Array
Gamma Array
Allows Gamma Rays to be applied to a targeted area. What could go wrong? Uncommon High: Chapter 2

Mission 2.5
Scouting Missions (Hard)

Level 20 Hero Research
Spectral Amulet
Spectral Amulet
All the benfits of a Faustian bargin without the eventual side effects. Uncommon High: Chapter 2

Mission 2.6
Scouting Missions (Hard)

Level 20 Hero Research
Power Formula
Power Formula
Better bodies through chemicals. Totally legit. Uncommon High: Chapter 2
Scouting Missions (Hard)
Level 20 Hero Research
Energy Socket
Energy Socket
An all purpose Adapter, converts all known energy types into high amperage DC. Uncommon High: Chapter 2
Scouting Missions (Hard)
Level 20 Hero Research
Vibranium Shard
Vibranium Shard
Even small shards of Vibranium can alloy other metals to create super-strong materials. Uncommon High: Chapter 2
Scouting Missions (Hard)
Level 20 Hero Research
Cosmic Compound
Cosmic Compound
A conduit of cosmic power, the greatest achievement of pyramidology. Uncommon High: Chapter 2

Mission 2.1
Scouting Missions (Hard)

Level 20 Hero Research

Lvl 30 Hero Research Material[]

Name Description Rarity Location (Chances) Usage
Fusion Cylinder
Fusion Cylinder
Reactive materials that lead to performance breakthroughs with few (known) negative side effects. Rare High: Chapter 3
Scouting Missions (Heroic)
Level 30 Hero Research
Forbidden Tome
Forbidden Tome
In Sanctum Sanctorum, the Forbidden Tome reads you. Rare High: Chapter 3
Scouting Missions (Heroic)
Level 30 Hero Research
Concentrated Compound
Concentrated Compound
The best science has to offer for those ready to exceed nature's limited designs. Rare High: Chapter 3
Scouting Missions (Heroic)
Level 30 Hero Research
Kinetic Amplifier
Kinetic Amplifier
Exponential gains in a small package - instructions sold separately. Rare High: Chapter 3
Scouting Missions (Heroic)
Level 30 Hero Research
Inscribed Uru
Inscribed Uru
The stuff of legends, granting great power to the worthy. Rare High: Chapter 3
Scouting Missions (Heroic)
Level 30 Hero Research
Quantum Sphere
Quantum Sphere
Level 30 Hero Research (no description) Rare High: Chapter 3
Scouting Missions (Heroic)
Level 30 Hero Research